OPINION? Everybody Has One!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

— We have seen the light! Yep, the house is full of blinking red and green lights, strung up and around everything. The Grands helped. Actually, some of them are getting old enough to have long arms and long ideas! I heard the close relative agree to some things I would have sworn she would never go for, but when it comes from the right person, you know how that works.

Snip and I covered most of the place yesterday. It was pretty warm, or at least compared to last week. I need to ride fence, look at the condition of all the pastures and sometimes take soil samples. It seems to be important to do all of that horseback at times. Old Dog loves the days we ride, he travels many circles around me, checking outall the smells and holes.

The ponds are full, thank you, Lord, and I figure I gotta put out some lime and fertilizer in the spring. Can’t spread chicken litter and can’t afford commercial, but I can’t afford not to feed the grass. One step forward and two back, that seems to be the way we Keepers of the Land make it. Plug along and never giving up but, all in all, it’s worth the hassle.

The male offspring are both planning a ski trip. I am leery about the condition of their limbs and the status of the Patriarch of this tribe on their return.My close relative usually goes off to visit one cousin or another about the same time and I am left to my own devises. That means I have to hay by myself, cook for myself and eat all the fried food I can manage. I will have beans, beef, biscuits and pie for lunch every day at the local coffee emporium and I might even go back for supper!No one will be checking in on me and I can even wear the same shirt two days in a row!

Of course, the big day will come before anyone goes anywhere. This is such a special time of the year. I drag out memories of home when I was a kid, move on to the days of our early years before we added to our family and memories of our offsprings when they were kids. Now we are all adding chapters of the Grands and how I enjoy that.

There is a pony hidden at the back of the place. He is mighty gentle, spotted just right and will be mightily loved by the little girl with big brown eyes and dark pigtails. The saddle and all the trimmings will be on the paint when she arrives here Christmas morning.There are other big deals going on, but my close relative is taking care of them. The banker and I just furnish the cash!

It is my opinion, and everyone has one, each holiday is seemingly the best one ever. I can’t say I enjoy it more and be honest, but it is always the fresh one in my mind. Believe me when I tell you that years piling upon years will enrich each family moment. I loved all the others but I couldn’t always find the money for a spotted pony to lead out on Christmas morning and the sparkling eyes and wide smiles will be etched forever in my heart! This will be the last one of the Grands to ask for a horse and it is a thrill to me to deliver!

Make this one memorable, even if it is a hard candy one and, first and foremost, remember that Jesus is the reason for the season! Merry Christmas from this outfit to all of you!

Opinion, Pages 4 on 12/23/2009