Letters To The Editor-

Thursday, October 29, 2009

— Dear Editor,

An Open Letter to our Local, State and Federal Representatives

We the People put you in office. Some of you, We the People elected. Some of you were appointed or hired by those for whom We the People voted. Many of you took oaths of office. Many of you made promises to us — We the People. Promises helped you convince us — We the People, to vote for you. You were elected to serve us — We the People. Many of you serve yourselves or other masters instead of us — We the People. Choices have consequences.

Many of you have attacked us — We the People, who do not agree with your ideals or causes. Many of you have judicially, legislatively and socially attacked our Sons and Daughters in the military, intelligence and law enforcement communities. Many of you associate with and support the enemies of our Nation, Citizens, Constitution andValues. Many of you commit crimes and associate with criminals. Choices have consequences.

Individuals or small groups

Dear Editor,

I want to thank Sheriff Keith Ferguson, Deputy Charles Hodges and Deputy David Donahue for allowing and bringing the inmates of the Benton County Work Program to Sulphur Springs.

The men did a great job of us —We the People — may be inconsequential to many of you. Large numbers of us — We the People, when unprepared or unwilling, may be inconsequential to many of you. Many of us — We the People — are prepared and willing to stand against your ideals and causes. Many of us — We the People — are joining active circles of Christ-loving, Family-loving and Constitution-loving citizens. Many of these Citizens were once your friends and supporters whom you deceived, betrayed or abandoned. Choices have consequences.

November 2010 and 2012 are coming. Outside of extreme events — martial law, suspension of our Constitution or such — We the People will cast our votes in those elections. Many of us – We the People — will pursue legal and legislative action against you, your causes and crimes. Many of you will be replaced or driven from public office for life. Choices have consequences.

William A. Schmitz

Seek The Core!!

in helping us “spruce-up” our beautiful park and our city buildings.

Thank you also to Barbara Wasman and Vera Moorman for their help in preparing and serving lunch and snacks to the men.

To all of you, many thanks.

Martha Kreder

Opinion, Pages 4 on 10/28/2009