— If the first week in August is unusually warm, the winter will be white and long.

Sympathy is extended to Doreen Curtis and family for the loss of their loved one.

You hear so many abuse stories any more. It would be double abuse if Black Boy has to leave the home he loves and the people who love him.

Do your mail carrier a favor. Check your mailbox for signs of wasps or bees. If you see any, spray them. Some of our carriers have been stung lately and as you know some people are highly allergic to stings.

Novella Carlton took her grandson Jake on a return trip to the Indian Museum on Tuesday. Jake’s friend Tristan went with them, then Grandma took the boys to McDonald’s for lunch.

Hopefully by next week I will have made the adjustment and have some news for you.

August 4, 1922, telephones across the United States — some 13 million — were silenced for one minute on the day of Alexander Graham Bell’s funeral.