There was a very light turnout in Hiwasse for the runoff election on Tuesday.

Autumn Gregg spent some of her Thanksgiving vacation from school with her grandmother, Novella Carlton.

Those eating Thanksgiving dinner with me were Mr. and Mrs. Lofty Carrier, Lamarise Carrier, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Carrier, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Carrier, Mike Carrier, Gabe Carrier and Eric Coscia.

Thursday evening Maxine Holloway, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Lofty Carrier and Lamarisewent to Bella Vista to have dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Swatzell and family.

Leon Carothers’ children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren had supper with him on Thursday evening to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Old Man Winter was a very unwelcome guest for Thanksgiving.

A large group of friends and relatives enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John Cox and family on Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Horton and other family members enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Horton.

A group of young menfrom the Bella Vista Church of Christ conducted services at the Hiwasse Church of Christ on Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Ward Carrier and Gabe, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Carrier and DaleLynn Carrier came back to my house on Sunday and helped eat Thanksgiving leftovers.

I have already received two Christmas cards and Karen Burns told me she had a lighted tree up already in her yard.

Leon Bertschy’s sister, Vivian, is in Mercy Hospital following a massive stroke on Sunday morning. Remember the family in your prayers.

Mike and Earline Reeves visited with Leon andPeggy Bertschy over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carver and Jake and Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Gregg and Autumn had Thanksgiving dinner with Novella Carlton.

Marlo Hamilton has spent a few days visiting with her family over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamilton and Marlo, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paul Hamilton and children, Dean Fletcher and Maxine Fletcher had Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Rich and daughter in Bella Vista.

Dec. 1, 1955, Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat in Montgomery, Ala.

News, Pages 8 on 12/01/2010