I need a good swat and swift kick when I complain

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Water tank ran over again, and this time it was not my doings. One of the male offspring left the water on and went to do something else.

This weather is the kind that makes a man wander around and grin a lot! I suspect that is what happened with the water; he was sorta dazed and went on to something else because of the weather.

I want to plant tomatoes and onions and potatoes when we have spring-like days and, yes, I know it is way too early. I have seen snow on the redbud blossoms far too many times to trust it to stay warm and wonderful. I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed this winter-less winter! There’s no way to describe it. And, thankgoodness, we didn’t have any extreme storms and my hay pile looks like it is gonna make it!

The cattle market is staying strong and I know we are due a good year or two but - and that is a big one - I sure feel sorry for the fellers that had to sell out the herds they had managed for many years. You can imagine the pain and sorrow those fellers and their families are feeling. Some of them have had enough rain to start over and they will. There are still many that are dry to the point of being totally arid. They may never start over.

A cattleman doesn’tusually start at the top of the line and be completely satisfied with whatever some other person has put together as the ideal herd. We are so opinionated about what is best, what we want and what we need that another person’s best just won’t do. I know that my Pappy had some solid ideas as to why he kept the breed he preferred but it is not what I prefer.

It takes years to get a herd of cattle together that will make money, make a feller happy when he looks at them, and he needs to be proud of what he has accomplished too. Having to sell out wouldbe agonizing and deflating to anyone. I guess us fellers that have escaped the heartbreak should be a little more thankful to the good Lord for our positions. Even the positions of borrowing and owing would be envious to those who have lost what they had put together over a lifetime.

I can think of a multitude of reasons to be thankful today. I know I am not always so full of grins and goodness - my close relative would advise you of that - but this warm weather is working on me! I know I didn’t put this outfit together and we didn’t do it either. Wehad lots of knee time and still do, asking and thanking the Lord for health, wealth and wisdom.

It is my opinion, and everyone has one, I need a good swat and a swift kick when I complain about little stuff - little stuff like the mud hole around the water tank and a fence that is down can be taken care of pretty easily. Big stuff, losing a herd you worked all your life to put together, is another thing entirely. Remember the folks who are hurting.

Bill is a pen name for the Gravette author of this weekly column.

Opinion, Pages 6 on 02/29/2012