— What a welcome shower of rain we received last week. Every drop was needed. Good to see the grass getting rain. The farmers are happy.

Dan and Johnnie Mae Marshall will be married 62 years Sept. 12. They married in Pineland, Texas. They have two children, Dan Mar- shall, Jr., and Linda Hodges of Car- rolton, Texas. Happy anniversary. Hope you have many more.

Sylvia Tucker visited with Johnnie Mae Marshall one day last week. Shelly Bishop visited her grandpar- ents, Jack and Sylvia Tucker, one day last week.

Maysville E.H. Club has a com- munity yard sale planned for Sept. 29. There will be booths for rent.

You may contact Sylvia Tucker, 291- 4542, or Melinda Crawley, 291-0011. GwenSingleton,291-4520,ischair- man of the project.

Jack and Sylvia Tucker were celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary on Thursday. They celebrated by going to the Wooden Spoon in Gentry to eat. Those going with them were Dan and Johnnie Mae Marshall, Les and Jean Mar- tindale, Ron and Debbie Sims. They reported a very enjoyable day. Con- gratulations, and hope you have many more years together.

Sylvia Tucker visited me one afternoon last week. She brought good vegetable soup and we had a good visit. I sure enjoyed her com- ing up.

My sister-in-law Janes Vandiver and sister Frances Sims of Bentonville visited me last Tuesday afternoon after I got home from the hospital. Steve Tucker, Gary and Helen Chism, Julie Cook and prob- ably some others also visited. I want to thank everyone who has called or visited me. I really do appreciate it.

Thanks to Marcia Pritchard for coming after me for church and Syl- via Tucker who brought me home. We also had a good fellowship din- ner after church at Maysville Bible Church.

There was a fish fry at Ron and Debbie Sims’ home on Saturday evening. Those attending were Patti King and friend Petru of Lowell, Randy and Pam Woods, Jack and Sylvia Tucker, Jacob and Shelly Bishop and Hayley. They report a good meal. I think they watched the Razorback football game too.

News, Pages 10 on 09/12/2012