OPINION? EVERYBODY HAS ONE: I wish compassion would produce more permanent results

I drove down south of our place to take my close relative to see her cousin. Actually, they are her dad’s cousins, once removed. They try to keep the wolf from the door by looking so poor that even wolves don’t want them. It was an interesting trip and we did get some good done.

I like to look at the country, about any country, and if it suits my fancy, I grieve over it not being mine. If it looks like our place, I grieve for the poor feller that owns it! This is one of the dilemmas of my profession, wanting more of the land and needing less of it when it comes to paying the taxes and taking care of it!

Well, anyhow, the kinfolk were tickled to see my close relative and she unloaded enough groceries to keep them for a couple of months. She had made so many cookies it took a big brown paper sack to hold them all. The little kids were thin and dirty, hair needed combing, but they were thrilled to get the bushel of oranges. I suppose she has a heart big as Texas and I am lucky to have her. And her kin, well I won’t comment any more about that.

Can you explain to me the general reason that folks who are so doggone poor but have a few cattle, always have the very worst kind of cattle? It sorta looks to me like they would buy one good calf instead of two sorry ones, but they always seem to have the scum of the cattle industry. I was so amazed to see at least 50 head of Jersey cross and anything else that was a cur in the small traps beside the road we took to our destination. I would like for the Peace Corps to come here and stay a few years, and maybe the Heifer International group would join up to help these folks.

We don’t have to drive but a few miles from our place and we find needs so big it boggles the mind. I don’t begrudge a bit of the groceries my close relative takes in to the folks, but it doesn’t seem to be able to help. Sure, they have something for the next meal, but that ends shortly and it begins all over again.

Education is the true answer, but how to do that is the next question. Most of the men were raised by men, doing the exact same thing, their mothers wringing their hands in desperation but not knowing what to do to break the cycle. These are proud folks, hard bent to take advice or suggestions from outsiders. They, the needy ones, figure all the ones who want to help were born with a silver spoon, and we know that shore ain’t true, but that attitude is one of the reasons they dig in their feet and refuse the best laid plans of assistance.

It is my opinion, and everyone has one, our country ought to let Pakistan take care of Pakistan. We could use some of that cash to help our own!

My close relative has taught me what my sainted mother was not able to, compassion, and I appreciate it! Just wish I could do something besides drive the wagon!

Bill is a pen name used by the Gravette author of this weekly column.

Opinion, Pages 6 on 01/23/2013