We’ve got a lot to be thankful for, even if times are hard!

I will be so glad when we can actually put the bulls out to work. The good old boys are in constant disagreement with the new boys and they scuffl e around day and night.

I guess the fence to the bull pasture is 98 percent repairs. The bulls will go to work on December first and that will eliminate a bunch of the problems, but not all of them.

The bulls we use for spring calving will continue to fi ght and fuss just like a bunch of convicts. They lie about each other, strut around fl exing muscles and, if a bull can growl, they do! They dig shallow graves for their opponents all over the pasture, spewing dirt for thirty feet. I am readyfor the barbwire to become hot as soon as I can get things ready to hook it up. Maybe that will keep them where they are supposed to be.

I’ve been riding fence lately. The weather is conducive to saddling up and doing what can be done on horseback. I enjoy it and Snip needs the exercise. Early morning causes some crow hops and snorting but he knows he has to straighten up and do right. I have been shedding my jacket after about 10 minutes of riding; the temp is perfect. How on earth did the good Lord bless us so bountifully after such a wonderful summer?

As I ride along, I have been thinking about the upcoming holiday of Thanksgiving. I really can think about other parts besides the food and I guess that is a surprise to some of you! I am so doggone thankful for so many things, starting with my family. Number one thing about this bunch is that we have all been under the water to prove we have been born again!

I have to be diligent in making sure that we don’t talk negatively and that we freely take the bad with the good. This beef raising business partakes about evenly, but how fortunate we are to be in it! I wantthe Grands to understand that if all the cattle lay down and die, we can start over and do what we did again. As long as there is life, we got hope and I sure as heck don’t want anyone in our herd to think we are fi nished!

I am gonna say this, don’t spread it around! I am thankful for the close relative of mine that helps in every way possible and makes pies that are right good! We have done our best with the offspring and now it is up to them to do their best with the Grands. And if they are sorta spoiled by my close relative and me, they won’t plumb ruin.

It is my opinion, and everyone has one, be thankful. I mean if you have a new pot of taters and beans for Thanksgiving dinner, be thankful. I know times are hard, but haven’t they always been? My sainted Mother and Pappy had plenty of hard scrabble living to do before they went home, so I figure we all got our share to do. If you are hungry and have only rock stew at your place, come on over; our turkey is a big one - for which I am thankful!

Bill is a pen name used by the Gravette author of this weekly column.

Opinion, Pages 4 on 11/27/2013