Party Politics

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Am I the only person that watches TV, reads the newspaper or listens to a politician to get the impression that they all think I must be part of the old TV Series, Dumb or Dumber?

Just once I would like to be treated as if I am qualified and capable to make up my own mind about the qualifications of a political candidate.

I would probably be shocked if a potential candidate treated me with some facts that have not been tilted to agree with their party affiliation. From the evidence that has been constantly fed to me on the boob tube, not a single political candidate in the last 20 or so years knows anything about politics. The ad writers, speech writers and money men generate these TV ads with an agenda and then they cram it down our throats as if it were the first ice cream cone we have ever tasted. A politician goes into office with so many political debts to repay they are unable to govern this nation we are blessed to be residents of, the United States of America.

Wonder why the politicians have a problem with beating their own drum just a little? Has it gone out of fashion to brag about something good you have accomplished? There was a time in the past where good honest men were able to either brag about themselves or have someone put forth information to let us voters know they have accomplished something worthwhile. Normally a person's past is evidence about what the future will bring.

A politician does not have to tell me why the incumbent does not deserve my vote. I have had the last few years to observe their actions and I can possibly decide whether their political actions are worthy or unworthy of my vote the next time I go to the ballot box.

I do not on most occasions have their past history and political record to spread out. If they could just give me a few hints concerning their past history, I could probably find someone to verify the accuracy of their claims.

Maybe I am giving away some of my personal information but I remember an old TV show called Dragnet. I do not remember the name of the policeman, but he just about always told the person he was questioning or interrogating, "Just the Facts."

Give me facts and I shall try to find someone to tell me what they said. My feeble little education needs to be put to the test. Can I really make a logical decision?

Am I able to come to a conclusion on my own?

Amos Carver


Editorial on 02/26/2014