Christmas morning a sight to behold

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It finally dawned on Christmas morning and it was a sight to behold. The sky was clear and the lights twinkled all around the house. The aromas were to me as the scents of heaven must be, and all that kept me from giggling out loud was the fact that I still had chores to take care of! And even chores are a blessing on such a day of celebration!

My close relative and I sat quietly and had breakfast. We had homemade cinnamon rolls, chock full of pecans and sugar and butter. The coffee was just perfect and we smiled a bunch as we ate!

We are getting up to the point of advancing age. Not advanced age; we are still going. We know what a joy it is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and then the births of our own offspring and their offsprings! It is with reverence we bow to the Lord and thank Him for our salvation. We are aware and we do praise. Not just alone; our entire family joins in.

I did the chores and when I got in the house the place was almost vibrating with anticipation! I washed up, put on my house shoes and changed into a shirt that happened to be hanging on the bathroom door. It also happened to be bright red with sprigs of green so I guess it was the Christmas costume. Shaved and smelling sweet, I appeared in the living room to find my close relative also pretty much looking the part she so deserves! I do believe she smelled better than me!

The stillness was great but, let me tell you, when the family came, joy was with them! All the hoots and hollers and screams of delight were sweet as peppermint candy! One little Grand found a pink saddle on a paint pony and cried with such joy I was sorta worried at first. I was shocked to see tears but I was quick to realize they were big old tears of delight! I got hugs and was mugged by the Grands and had to set up an extra table for the arriving desserts. Our offspring are sure good on picking out relatives and our female offspring is a copy of the genetics she came from. Fudge, peanut brittle, toffee and pies of all descriptions mixed and mingled with the ones already here!

The paper was torn away and gifts were loved! Music poured from some kind of little boxes I don't understand and boots were pulled off and new ones tried on. We laughed and enjoyed each minute of the day. I settled in my chair with a pile of new belongings stacked on the floor.

It is my opinion, and everyone has one, I know we are gonna go on having these celebrations but some day the worldly circle will be broken. Right now the three generations are in good health, work every day, and we hope to stay that way for some time. It will happen, a chair will be empty and we will know sadness. So be ready and be prepared, but be happy now!

Bill is a pen name used by the Gravette author of this weekly column. The opinions expressed are those of the author.

Editorial on 01/01/2014