How could it have happened so quickly?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I never imagined it could happen so quickly or in my own lifetime. I assumed things like this took hundreds of years to occur; but it has happened, and so much of it within the last 50 years.

You may remember, from previous columns, my explanation of the shift in thinking and worldview from one which was based upon Biblical teaching and absolute Biblical morals to one based on the wishes of society. Instead of moral absolutes based upon God's law, moral values are based upon man's thinking and are ever changing.

Thus, what was morally reprehensible 40 or 50 years ago because the Bible calls it sin and an abomination is acceptable today; and anyone who still holds to the old Biblical values is called intolerant and bigoted and subject to censure. You may think it's only happening in other states and other parts of the country, but I can assure you because of the materials people ask me to publish to promote their agendas that it is here.

I never would have dreamed a few years ago that I would be asked to help groups overthrow traditional marriage and promote alternative lifestyles. I never would have dreamed that I would be asked to promote socialist and communist agendas to help sway the thinking of readers. I never would have dreamed that people would swallow -- hook, line and sinker -- so much of what is promoted today as science, history and even religious truth without a shred of evidence or documentation. I never would have dreamed that public education could or would be what it has become today.

Also shocking to me when I study some of the writings of America's arch enemies of the last century -- communists, socialists, fascists -- is how many of their principles we now accept as the norm. When I was little, I feared America would be invaded by the armies of a communist or socialist government. Now, I realize that armies were not needed to move us down the path to becoming a form of USSA. After the Berlin wall fell in 1989 and the old Soviet Union was dissolved two years later, we assumed the threat of socialism and communism was over. But strict forms of communism still exist in China, Vietnam, Cuba and numerous neighboring countries in South America. Most of Europe has turned to socialist forms of government, and we seem to be heading down that same path.

What John Adams, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and our second president, said is true: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

Noah Webster, author of America's first speller and dictionary and a founder of early American scholarship and education, said it this way: "The Christian religion, in its purity, is the basis, or rather the source of all genuine freedom in government ... and I am persuaded that no civil government of a republic form can exist and be durable in which the principles of that religion have not a controlling influence."

But now the principles have been removed from much of public life. Ever so quickly, society is abandoning the moral values of Biblical Christianity -- and much of this may be the fault of preachers who have abandoned the truth themselves and misled their congregations, but media, entertainment and public education must share in the blame. Children learn no absolute values in public schools and they are bombarded with moral-less thinking through the media, and the sands of moral thought are ever changing.

What can be left but a collapse of our republic form of government? It oftentimes even seems as if our leaders are intentionally taking us over the brink. And if our nation as we know it, or knew it, collapses and falls, how can any order be restored? How can a people with only subjective morals -- ever changing to fit their wishes, times and situations -- be controlled? I'm afraid the answer is only by force, by a totalitarian government.

And, already, now, we look to government to protect us and provide for our every need, and we give to government more and more power and control over every facet of our lives. Think about it. What can you do or say which is not in some way affected by government taxes or regulations?

I once tried to figure out how I could live a single day without being taxed or regulated by government in some way. My conclusion was that there was nothing I could do -- even if I did nothing or died -- that would not in some way result in taxes or compliance to government rules and regulations.

So, if our nation collapses and chaos ensues, to whom will the multitudes look to restore order? Considering the thought that precedes selections in the voting booth for so many Americans, it's frightening to think about. The best liar and the one who promises people the most will probably win if the people even get the opportunity to choose their dictator.

OK, I'll stop. My wife tells me I spend too much time analyzing things and trying to figure out the implications of our actions. Seeing what is inevitably coming does weigh me down at times.

This much is clear. America, on its present path, is headed for God's judgment for our sins against life, marriage and our own children. And, we may also soon realize that we have chosen a course which will bring judgment upon ourselves, the natural consequences of our own sins -- kind of like defying the law of gravity by walking off a cliff and thinking we won't plummet to the rocks below.

All I can say is it appears that, if days continue, difficult days are ahead for us and our children. My only joy and consolation is knowing the One who is ultimately in control.

Randy Moll is the managing editor of the Westside Eagle Observer. He may be contacted by email at [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

Editorial on 01/22/2014