What is your message to the world?

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Here we are at the end of January already, with one-twelfth of the New Year behind us. Although alarming in some ways that life flies by so quickly, it is a bit of a relief to know that the passing of January takes us one month closer to spring.

This has been a challenging month around our place for a few reasons, not the least of which, according to Earl, is that the extreme low temperatures have served to prove that "frost-proof" hydrants freeze as do "freeze-proof" cattle watering systems, even expensive ones that you spent your summer vacation installing. We are not ready to join those talking of moving to Alaska for the warmer climate just yet, but are certainly ready for one of those mild Arkansas winters like we used to have.

One positive thing about January for me has been the benefits I have received from reading a little devotional book designed to help "search for and discover God's unique purpose for your life." With the beginning of the New Year, I finally got around to starting the book that I received as a gift over a year ago. After a month of beginning each day by using some time to get my mind and heart focused in the right direction, I can say that it has paid dividends that far outweigh the small investment of time. I have begun to look forward to these little "divine appointments" each morning.

Each section of the book has been thought provoking and encouraging. The author lends a unique understanding and interpretation of Biblical scriptures and always ends with a question that challenges the reader to discover how the application of that day's central idea might look in real life.

One of the daily topics I found most intriguing was the one entitled, "What were you born to tell the world?" She points out that, like John the Baptist of Biblical times, we are all messengers. Each of us has a central message we share with our life through words, deeds, choices and interests. As I reflected on this, I found that I could "guess" the message that many people are sharing with their lives. Some share subtly and some do it with a little more emphasis but, either way, a general message can be detected.

So, naturally, I have contemplated what message I might have been "born to tell the world." If I had to write it down what exactly would it say? Am I delivering my God-given message clearly or do I need to brush up on my presentation?

While I ponder this for the long term, let me leave you with this short-term message of hope: Though winter sometimes has a way of testing our endurance, it cradles promise. Spring will come again in not too many weeks. The sun will shine warm, grass will grow green, birds will sing and build nests, trees will bud with new leaves, flowers will begin to bloom and watering the cattle won't involve thawing out anything. God has a plan and an order and it works better than anything we could ever devise.

Maybe you didn't need to hear that but, here at my house, we need a little reminder from time to time.

Annette Rowe is a freelance writer from rural Gentry and a speech-language pathologist at Siloam Springs High School. She may be reached by email at [email protected] expressed are those of the author.

Editorial on 01/29/2014