Life is mostly for work

My cousin from back home called and said they were on their way to visit us and then on to the Smoky Mountains. He said they would be here during the day on Wednesday and not be spending the night as they were to meet some of their offspring at a designated time and place.

My close relative put together a feast and called in all the offspring and in-law-offspring for her army of help. The 24 hours before the time of arrival was busier than a bee hive and smelled like cowboy's heaven. We had smoked brisket, fried chicken, beans with ham and a bunch of other stuff, including biscuits and plenty of pie! The iced tea flowed like a river and ice cream was home made.

We hadn't seen Moss and Vivian in at least seven years, the last funeral we all attended. It is a shame on this earth how families go to funerals and never see each other again until the next one. That is a strange thing about us folks. We know they will all die sooner or later but we never figure it will be the one we are talking to at the time.

Moss made good time and we had a couple of hours before noon to sit and visit. I do miss the old place and the folks who I left behind. I don't know how bad the miss is until someone brings the place to life for me again. The mention of names and places, the certain way of saying words, a laugh you grew up with just transports you back at times. This was one of my times!

I was impressed that Vivian had gotten Moss to agree to a couple of weeks away from the ranch. I know they have sold most of the cattle and raise a high blooded horse or two, but they have a hand that has been there over 20 years that can take care of that. Moss just never did like to leave home, except to go to a rodeo or roping within 50 miles. I didn't inquire about the reason for the trip, figured it was a thing to please grown offspring and his close relative.

We had a million laughs during the meal, and did we ever eat! All of our Grands were there to help demolish the spread, and they were well fed when they left. The owner of the paint pony found a soft spot on the couch and took a siesta, waking later and asking for more ice cream!

It is my opinion, and everyone has one, grinding up the years of your life in work is a plan we have to live by. It was initiated by the Lord and we don't live very long anyway, so time spent having fun is pretty slim. Vivian has inoperable brain cancer. She has about four to eight months of good life to live and they decided to see some of the country before she couldn't! They know, as you and I do, we need money to live on, but they also know life is very short.

Moss and I both got something in our eye as we shook hands and said farewells. I did not know about the cancer until later. Vivian told my close relative and asked her to pray for their family. I ask you to enjoy yours and remember how fast the years melt away.

Bill is the pen name used by a local writer and longtime resident of the Gravette area. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

Editorial on 07/02/2014