Hiwasse News

Sympathy is extended to the Scott family. A lot of you had Mrs. Scott as a teacher.

Brooke Belts is in Washington, D.C., this week with her 4-H group.

Betty Clardy has been having back problems this week. We wish her a speedy recovery.

We send birthday greetings to Larry and Regina Keith. How many other wives and husbands get to share their birthdays?

Those having lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Lofty Carrier on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ward Carrier, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Carrier, Mr. and Mrs. Skylar Carrier, Jessica, Madison and Serenity, Gabe Carrier and myself.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamilton will be celebrating their 50th anniversary with a party Saturday evening. Congratulations.

Larry Weihe was out of town over the weekend. Jason Knight from Rogers brought the message at the Nazarene Church on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carver and Jake were in Omaha, Neb., for a few days attending Little League World Series baseball games. Jake's team won two of their games.

July 16, 1945, the first atomic bomb test explosion occurred.

Community on 07/16/2014