Letter to Editor from Toby Conrad


I am the principal of Decatur Middle School and Decatur High School. I wanted to throw out a quick thank you to all the parents who showed up for the parent-teacher conferences last week. Each and every school is always a better school when the parents are actively involved in their children's education. It is obvious that Decatur School District is a great district and a huge reason for this is because of the parental involvement we have here at Decatur. The turnout of parents this year at the conferences is one of the best years we have ever had at conferences. Each of you parents who showed up deserves a huge thank you.

Also, I would like to thank Decatur State Bank for allowing us to use their smoker and grill to cook for our parents. If you have heard the phrase, "It takes a village to raise a child," please understand that everyone in our "village" is willing to chip in and help out and make Decatur Schools the best we can be.

Thanks to Decatur State Bank, the students of DHS and DMS, the teachers, counselors, secretaries and all staff and stakeholders of Decatur Schools for making the conferences so successful.

Decatur Schools would like to thank the local police and fire departments for leading the 2014 Decatur Schools Homecoming parade Friday, Oct. 3. Police Chief Terry Luker and Fire Chief Jeremy Luker were very instrumental in making this day the success it was. Also, we would like to thank Mike Eckels and the Westside Eagle observer for the publicity that our school receives each week. People like those just mentioned and the parents who attended make these events more exciting and memorable for our students. Thanks to everyone who participated in the festivities as a spectator or participant.

Your Partner in Education,

Toby Conrad


Editorial on 10/08/2014