Maysville News

Sunday was a really nice fall day. We are in need of rain. The weatherman says maybe we'll get some the end of the week. We don't hear as many lawnmowers as usual. Guess it may be close to the end of them for this year.

Carroll Tucker and Pam visited Jack and Sylvia Tucker one day last week.

The fall fundraiser for the Maysville E.H. Club, a bean supper, was a success as always. We want to thank each and every one who came. We do appreciate your support. The proceeds are used for utilities and other expenses at the building.

Patti King, of Lowell, visited her parents, Jack and Sylvia Tucker, one day this past week. She spent the night with them and visited Ron and Debbie Sims before returning home on Sunday.

Steve and Susan Tucker, of Bella Vista, and their grandson Judah Tucker, of Harrison, visited me on Saturday. We did a little shopping. Judah is my great-grandson and he was spending the weekend with Steve and Susan. They were all enjoying that and so did I.

My great-grandson, Jacob Ballmann, visited me a while on Sunday afternoon and did a couple of chores for me. I really do appreciate that. Jacob and my other great-grandson, Billy Cook, do chores for me. They are two handy boys.

Eight families came on Saturday for our food pantry giveaway. Some of the church members did some yard work and trimmed brush. I guess it is that time of year.

Clifton Tucker, of Bella Vista, came by for a while on Wednesday. We had a good visit. I always enjoy it when he comes by.

Community on 10/07/2015