Superintendent presents preliminary budget report

GRAVETTE -- Richard Page, superintendent of schools, presented an overview of the school's preliminary budget at the July 18 regular meeting of the Gravette school board in the absence of business director Bill Hayford.

"We have a job to do in making sure we stay within revenues," Page said, explaining that cuts were being made in the budget to bring revenue and expenditures closer together. Total revenue is down $224,000, he explained.

"I think we're in good shape this year," Page said, "but we will have to make further adjustments if this is a trend."

Page explained how local and state money combine for the total amount of revenue received. Local tax dollars are up about 1.13 percent over last year's valuation, making total projected tax revenue $10,256,004, but Gravette contributes more to the state foundation than many schools. At least 25 percent of school dollars must go to the state foundation, Page said.

School enrollment is down, Page said, so Gravette will get declining enrollment money. The money will be paid on 279 students. Gravette schools also received declining enrollment money in 2012.

Page also gave a homeschool report and admitted it was frustrating that there are 174 students being homeschooled in the district and over 2,000 in the county. There is no denying parents who wish to homeschool unless they break policy, he said, but there is some abuse by people who treat it as "a legalized dropout system."

Board members voted to approve the student transfer requests. Three students are moving into the district and three out.

Board members also voted to approve the athletic participation packet. Norman Mitchell, athletic director, explained that it is basically the same as last year. Students must have a 2.0 grade point average or above to participate in athletics, which is more strict than the state requirement.

James Hendricks, high school band director, appeared before the board with a request for money for new band instruments plus $6,299 for a quality sound system. Hendricks asked for $21,170, and the board voted to approve an expenditure of up to $30,000 for the instruments and sound system. Hendricks wishes to purchase silver instruments, which are about $100 more than brass. The band also received about $800 from the annual golf classic.

Bryan Johnson, chairman of the facilities committee, presented the committee's recommended floor plan for improvements at the upper elementary school, including an expansion and remodel of the library and new facilities for the computer lab, special education and GATE. The plan featured the addition of four classrooms and, after discussion with the architects and Mandy Barrett, upper elementary principal, two more classrooms were added the previous Friday to allow for further expansion in enrollment.

Board member Jack Skillett questioned the need for the two additional classrooms and asked for clarification on the library remodeling and use of space under the new plan. Johnson said that all rooms would have a function and none would be unused. Both agreed they wanted to keep the focus on what was best for the students and eliminate any controversy between board members.

Skillett recommended having superintendent Page, the architects, the curriculum director and facilities committee members meet again to assess current needs and projected special education growth and present refined drawings of both the four- and six-classroom additions with detailed cost estimates. Johnson replied that the facilities committee had already made their recommendations. Board members voted to move forward with their plan and hold a work session soon with all interested parties.

Board members adjourned and went into executive session to discuss a few personnel matters. After returning to regular session, they voted to accept the resignation of Tanya Talley, food service worker, and approved the hiring of Theresa Morley as special education director and Becky Rangle as secretary to the curriculum director for the 2016-2017 school year.

General News on 08/03/2016