A man must learn to be self reliant, at least for a short spell

It is a dead day for me. The clouds rolled in and the wind blows and I shiver in the old hay truck with the heater on high. I would rather bury this kind of day, but I should just be thankful I ain't being buried! That just occurred to me. I sure am glad to still be alive even on this nasty day.

Do you remember the hottest day last summer? I don't rightly recall the exact date, but it was a brain boiler. I was wishing for a breeze to help evaporate the sweat rolling down my face, and I sure would have enjoyed a cloud blocking the sun for a few seconds. My body was wet, my shirt soaked and the only work I was engaged in was riding Snip and checking fence. Well, I wish I could have put that in a mason jar and saved it for today!

The cattle are cold today. They turn tail to the wind and huddle up on the hay I unroll for them. The big cows that are springing are down and munching like it is breakfast in bed. The babies will start hitting the ground in a day or two and the weather will come as it comes. I am not ever happy to deliver calves in the month of February. But, I like for them to be born early and gain fast! Go figure!

The female offspring has deposited her offspring with a relative, and my close relative and her are gone on a big outing. They will be gone a couple of days, exploring all the antique shops within a two day drive. I know my front yard is going to collect some old tired junk that someone will just adore. That is her words, the just adore!

I will have to fix myself lunch, not a big deal for this man who is self reliant. I will open that can of chili and peel an onion. I will go to the coffee emporium for supper and I might stop in there for a slab of pie directly after the chili! I don't want that close relative to know how much I enjoy taking care of myself for 24 hours, but I don't want much more than that. I like to have the expert service my close relative provides to this old worn and cold person.

The male offspring have deserted me for the local hamburger joint and I am glad they did. I am letting old Dog in the utility room and feeding him some good stuff! She will never know and what she doesn't know won't hurt me!

It is my opinion, and everyone has one, being self reliant is a talent we all need to develop and be adept at engaging in occasionally! I am not too keen on it for more than a short span, but it is a good thing to know how! I hope you fellers are able to fry eggs, open cans and even heat up pizzas. If you want to keep out of trouble, be sure to clean up the stove and wipe down the bar or table. I also learned that when preparing an onion, putting the skins in the trash can in the kitchen causes a stink. I am telling you to haul the skins with you to the nearest canyon!

Bill is the pen name used by the Gravette-area author of this weekly column. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

Editorial on 02/17/2016