The only way to get older is to keep living

Half of this month is gone and it went north as far as I can tell. Must have left the door open because the wind is cold and miserable. How a man can watch cattle act like they don't mind the cold and not believe in that wonderful God we have is a mystery to me. The old hides do go to protection if it is windy, but they don't shiver and get blue lipped like I do!

My truck, the newest one and it is not new anymore, had a heck of a time starting this morning. I was worried there for awhile and then it kicked over and coughed into life. I believe it was 10 degrees in the sunshine and I was dreading having to jump it. That would have meant I would have to get outside and do something with my hands.

I fed cattle some cubes, those nuggets of gold, and rolled out a bale of hay everywhere for their comfort. I know cattle aren't a bit like we are, but it makes me feel better to try to make their lives better. They make my life better so turn about is fair play. I would be an old junk dealer or working for the county picking up trash if it wasn't for the cattle. Not that anything is wrong with those professions, they just don't fit my ticket.

My close relative is cleaning again. She has her car backed up to the porch and is loading bags of stuff to haul to the Salvation Army. I am staying away because I fear some of my favorite shirts might be in a bag and I do not want to start a feud. I like to wear the cotton shirts that are pretty thin and cool in the summer. That close relative does not allow me much comfort, gives them away about the time I really like them! Also gave my favorite coffee mug away last spring and, I am pretty sure my hat -- the one that was shaped to my liking just right -- went that way. I have looked for it and she says it must be in the hall closet. You and I know better!

Time for thinking about what to do for the pastures as far as fertilizers and reseeding. We had such a good summer last year that I don't want to let that make me less mindful of the needs for me to take care of. And I will start putting out a good amount of mineral, extra doses of calcium and magnesium pretty soon. I have had some cattle that did not go to minerals, no matter how much was available, and they died. Keep on keeping on is a demand for my kind of business.

It is my opinion, and everyone has one, this new year will cause each and every one of us to have another birthday. We only get older by being privileged to live some more. I suppose some don't appreciate old age like they should, but we need to stop fussing and think about it! Old Dog is now riding in the cab of the truck during feeding. He is like some men, getting old and stiff, but not me! Well, OK, maybe so, but I am not done yet!

Don't pump the gas, these new vehicles will just flood out!

Bill is the pen name used by the Gravette-area author of this weekly column. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

Editorial on 01/20/2016