Silencing prayer in schools heavy on heart

To all concerned,

In regard to the decision concerning prayer in our Gentry schools, Jesus Christ has given an open invitation for every person to repent from evil, work and receive the forgiveness Jesus paid for to set us all free of evil, that we all walk in righteousness, receiving the love of God, the Father of all life.

The agreement to silence prayer in our school has been heavy on my heart for days. I asked for permission to speak to the American citizens celebration on Independence Day; I was told I was too late to be added to the program. It was suggested that I write you a letter in the local newspaper, the Westside Eagle Observer.

How can we let this happen? Someone must speak. We have all invested our prayers, love and concern to build our town, "Gentry," praying to God, the Creator of heaven and earth, receiving God's knowledge and wisdom, and making Gentry a family center on every level.

Our children are our future. We must not allow our independence to be taken away by not speaking up and defending our right to prayer in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, and stand up for righteous living, the Golden Rule, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

God's hands are reaching out to us; even yet as a caretaker of God's creations, I have learned the difference between weeds and plants that we are able to eat. The words Jesus spoke in the book of John, chapters 15, 16 and 17: "Read and receive your inheritance given free to every person."

Each of us have the power and authority to overcome evil with good as we walk through this garden of life. I pray that each of you be led by the Spirit of the truth.

Read and receive our children, they are worthy of your love and prayers!

Dixie Grimes


Editorial on 07/13/2016