Don't pray that God makes America great again; pray that God humbles Americans

Looking ahead at the upcoming national election doesn't offer much hope for those who would like to see America return to its moral and constitutional roots. Neither of the two presumptive nominees for the office of president can be held up as examples of moral excellence or of any kind of faithful adherence to the law of the land, the U.S. Constitution.

While Donald Trump may be courting the religious and conservative vote in America by claims of being pro life and supporting citizen gun rights, he has been all over the map on these and other issues and just where he would come down if elected is far from certain. A good number of his proposed plans are anything but constitutional.

Hillary Clinton, at least, is clear on her position and where she would stand if elected. She supports immorality, more government tyranny and is opposed to the Constitution and the God-given rights it protects. She favors protecting abortion, same-sex marriage, trans-gender restrooms, more government regulations and less rights -- especially rights to free speech, to practice and teach one's beliefs and to own guns and protect life and property. She has proven her inability to handle matters of national security and to be truthful and forthright when questioned about it.

While there are third-party and independent options, the likelihood of an outsider candidate being elected is pretty slim and therefore offers little hope of good change in America -- notice that I said "good change" and not just "change" because a lot of change is not good.

While I would love to see America return to its Constitutional roots, that alone wouldn't solve the problems we face because our constitutional republic doesn't function well when we, the people, have forsaken the morality which comes from submitting to the Bible as the true and unchanging Word of God. Without Biblical authority and morality based upon faith in the God of the Bible, liberty and freedom are abused and governments must become evermore powerful to control a people who cannot and do not govern themselves.

The truth is that America is beginning to suffer the judgment of God for teaching evolution and banning God and the Bible from the public sphere, for murdering millions and millions of unborn babies, for rejecting Biblical marriage and endorsing same-sex marriage and homosexuality, for giving rights and protections to the immoral while stripping away the rights of those who object and hold to Biblical values.

Of course, the real problem goes deeper than that. It is that America has rejected the God of the Bible and His anointed, Christ Jesus, (read Psalm 2) and worships a god after its own image and manner of thinking -- idolatry even if the image is not carved in wood or cut from stone and overlaid with gold.

While the candidates promise change and to keep America great or make it great again, the only positive change will come if we as God-fearing Americans get down on our knees and pray. After all, Americans didn't make America great; God did, and most of our founding fathers would agree.

America is not God's chosen nation and people in the same sense as Israel once was, but God's words to Solomon recorded in 2 Chronicles 7:14 still have application: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

I encourage God's people in America -- those who have faith in God's Son, Jesus Christ -- to get down on their knees daily and pray for America and their fellow Americans. Pray not that God would make America great again but that God would make Americans humble and move them to repent of their evil ways and look to God for mercy, forgiveness and healing in Christ Jesus. Then, peradventure, God will also have mercy upon our land and nation and grant healing to America.

Randy Moll is the managing editor of the Westside Eagle Observer. He may be contacted by email at [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

Editorial on 07/13/2016