Sunrise is a perfect time of day to sip coffee and plan your day

I am happy to report that during the past week the winter hair flew off the steers that were saving it. The mild weather de-haired cattle, de-leafed trees, and I lost five pounds and my appetite. I am not complaining by any stretch of the imagination, I am just stating facts! The flowers that cost more than a good bull have drooped, and the garden my close relative slaves over has fried. Must be summer!

I am also reporting the purple mint weeds have not shriveled at all. I stay on that chore because I know how much damage it can do in a short time. I also have been trying to keep sneaky snakes at bay by mowing all I have time for. My mower blades got a trip to town for a lick and a promise on the wheel because I do occasionally run over some of the rare and important parts that have been carefully placed around the shop and barns.

The offspring and I took a trip to the feedlot to look at the steers early this week. They are doing well. The heat is hard on them, but they still belly up to the feed and suck it down. I suspect our cattle are a special breed that eat more and gain less per pound of feed. It looks like it on the papers we get, telling us how much we are gonna owe. But, all in all, it was good to see the calves, and a trip with kin is always a plus.

We loaded up the trunk of my close relative's car with groceries and stopped at the orchard for three bushels of peaches to take to some of her cousins down south. The trip is always a hard one, seeing folks living from hand to mouth and seemingly unable to change their despairing ways. My close relative and their Uncle Sam take care of them pretty well, as some of the folks are unable to work.

One of the fellers said he tried to get the doctor to release him after his lower back accident, but the doc said it was a dangerous injury. I inquired as to what had happened and he said he wrenched his back while trying to pull a 30-pound catfish out of the river. I was torn with pity for him!

We did bring one bushel of peaches home with us and we had peach homemade ice cream on Sunday afternoon. I did the hard part for my close relative, I plugged the thing in and added ice when necessary! The grands all arrived with big smiles, and we sure did enjoy the air conditioner and the cream. Peaches may be the only respite from the heat of summer! I suspect cobblers are on the horizon as well.

It is my opinion, and everyone has one, sunrise is about a perfect time of day to sip coffee and plan your day. It is a time to thank the Lord for your blessings and devise how to take care of the part of the world you are responsible for. I hope you get to witness the waking of the birds and enjoy the colors of the sky and feel the joy of living for another day. Worries come and worries go, but a sunrise is a sure pleasure!

Bill is the pen name of the Gravette-area author of this weekly column. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

Editorial on 08/02/2017