I know what I am talking about and I am right

We enjoyed breakfast on the porch this morning. The rabbits ran circles around the yard, and the birds tuned up for the day. The bugs must sleep late, we can't eat meals after 7 a.m. outside because the bugs get the best of us. We had cool weather because of a little shower yesterday, and I know the humidity will be a killer by noon but enjoyed myself early.

Sorting out the weaning calves is a job I sure like to do. That is when you get up close and personal with what you have done in the 50 or so years of your business. The product of the cows you saved many years ago and the genetics of every old bull you bought are in the mix and you can recognize some of the ancestors -- like a broad nose, ears that are not evenly placed like the old cow, Number 8, that our female offspring bottle fed when her dam died. I love the work of raising beef, and the sorting of calves is like gravy on hot biscuits!

Don't misunderstand! I ain't lapping up work. I just like to do some things better than other things like building fence, hauling in hay and a million other details of this business. We start sorting the calves this week, maybe, if all goes as planned. I have been watching them pretty close, and some of them are not as outstanding as others. I suppose that is why we sort.

The grands are down to a few, as church camp has taken them to greener pastures for a week. The older ones go as helpers and the younger ones as trials for the older ones! That leaves just me and Ol' Dog to eat the cookies before they dry out and also to do all the chores at the barn. We have to feed cats, Snip and the other two horses that live here during the summer. I like the opportunity to watch their horses and check them over without the all-knowing eyes of the grands on me. They are learning but they are still young, and us older fellers see some things that could be missed.

Yes, I have hauled in a great number of bales. Got the banker to let us buy a bale wagon and, believe me, it is worth its weight in gold. I am grateful for super grass we have this year and all the wonderful hay. I just hate making it and doing the hauling. The wildlife seems to be gaining a tad. We see more rabbits and even a covey of quail. Of course, coyotes will try to kill them out. We need a bounty on coyote hides again.

It is my opinion, and everyone has one, the news media has gone completely off its rocker, the rockets shot up by Russia have ruined our planet, short pants are not for men, women should be happy to wait on the menfolk in their family and disagreeing with experts should never happen -- like, for instance, me. I know what I am talking about and I am right. Not to brag, just stating fact. Please feel free to inform any of my family members of that fact! I would do the same for you.

Skeeters have come in from the East, and their buzz has a Bronx twang and they bite with a vengeance! Keep yourself dipped in Deet!

Bill is the pen name used by the Gravette area author of this weekly column. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

Editorial on 06/28/2017