Council approves rezoning, buys sewer machine

GENTRY -- The city council in Gentry approved some zoning changes, approved a sewer machine purchase and passed an ordinance amending the city's sign code.

Zoning changes were approved on three readings for three parcels located on First Street belonging to Brenda Flores, Sue Truit and Trena Hinkle. The change, which was adopted with an emergency clase attached, changes the zoning for the three properties with homes from industrial to residential-office and makes it easier for the owners to sell their properties. When zoned industrial, the homes were grandfathered in, but the zoning would not allow the homes to be altered or rebuilt should they be damaged or destroyed by fire or other cause, making it impossible for prospective home buyers to obtain a government-backed mortgage on the homes.

The council approved a resolution authorizing the mayor to enter into a purchase agreement to replace the city's sewer machine which is approximately 30 years old. Approval was given for a purchase price not to exceed $67,000. The new machine was reported to be able to significantly cut down on time and labor in sewer maintenance and cleaning and was estimated to save the city money in the long-term. According to Mayor Kevin Johnston, it is difficult to obtain the machines because of the time it takes to manufacture them. If the city were not able to purchase the one currently available from Henard Utility Products, it would likely be another year before a new machine becomes available.

An amendment to city code on the placement of signs was adopted by the council which removed from the definition of signs in current code "any sign used in conjunction with or necessary for the provisions of a public facility, a public or private school, or a church." The change made it possible for signs to be used in residential zones for churches, schools and other public facilities allowed there. Also amended was the limitation in property zoned Agricultural-1 which prevented businesses located in such properties from posting a sign promoting their business at the business location. The change allows one free-standing sign not to exceed 100-square feet or to exceed height limitations for the district in which it is located.

At the recommendation of Mayor Johnston, a policy was adopted to be added to the city's personnel policy handbook governing and setting limits in regard to city payment for training and travel expenses incurred by employees and government officials. The policy sets cap amounts for meals and requires supervisor or mayor approval for reimbursable expenses.

Also approved by ordinance was an agreement with the Main Street Gentry Association (aka, the Gentry Chamber of Commerce) for services related to economic development in the city. The agreement states that the Chamber will provide such services for the city at a cost of $30,000 for the year. The amount is a significant part of the Chamber of Commerce budget.

An agenda item regarding choosing professionals for contract negotiations for day-to-day services to the city was tabled until next month's council meeting (6:30 p.m. on April 3 in council chambers).

General News on 03/15/2017