A peek at postpartum depression

Postpartum depression doesn't just affect new moms -- it can occur in new dads, too.

Postpartum, or postnatal, depression (PPD) is a form of depression that can develop after having a baby, usually within three months of childbirth. There is no single cause of this psychiatric condition. Rather, experts suggest PPD most likely stems from a combination of physical and emotional factors, such as sleep deprivation and hormonal changes that occur after giving birth.

PPD is the most common post-birth complication for women -- the March of Dimes reports about one in every seven new mothers will develop PPD. However, recent studies have shown that PPD is not just a risk for new moms -- new fathers experience it, too. In fact, PPD is almost as common in men as it is in women. A report released by researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas indicates that as many as one in 10 men struggles with PPD following the birth of a child. The researchers explained that, like new mothers, new fathers also experience mood-altering hormonal changes after childbirth. What's even more interesting is that certain men are at an increased risk of PPD. Risk factors for PPD in new dads include:

• A personal or family history of depression;

• Sleep deprivation; and

• Feeling distanced from baby and mom.

A helping hand

The good news is that PPD sufferers, whether male or female, have treatment options so they can get back to their normal selves and routines. Because PPD can take a heavy toll on not only mom and dad, but baby, too, it's essential to see a health care provider -- the family's OB-GYN or primary care provider or a mental health professional -- right away. He or she can rule out potential underlying health issues -- such as thyroid conditions -- that may cause or worsen PPD, make a referral to a counselor and support group, and prescribe medication, such as an antidepressant or estrogen therapy, to treat PPD.

Steps to relief

In addition to seeing a health-care provider, there are things new parents struggling with PPD can do to alleviate symptoms, including:

• Being active every day;

• Eating a healthy diet;

• Getting enough sleep;

• Limiting or avoiding alcohol intake;

• Making time for self-care;

• Accepting help from others; and

• Taking steps to minimize stress.

Making these lifestyle changes can enhance treatment from a provider and improve overall physical and mental health.

Healthy Horizons offers comprehensive behavioral health services that are individualized to each patient and family's needs. The behavioral health team has the expertise to care for a wide range of mental health and emotional challenges. To schedule an appointment, call 479-215-3190.

Editorial on 04/18/2018