Highfill EHC

GENTRY -- The Highfill Extension Homemakers Club met in the Gentry Public Library on July 16. The meeting was called to order by Vice-president Jeanie Hittson, with 13 members present and one guest who joined, Frani Pilgrim.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all. "God Bless America" was sung. Helen Zambrano read a letter from her prison ministries. Roll call was answered with volunteer hours, with 276 hours for July.

Inspirational thoughts were shared by Helen Zambrano on "Wormy Apples."

New ideas were shared. Jeanie Hittson had several candles in jars, mugs, cups and a bracelet. Margaret Bishop had a plastic bag holder, pot holders and a beautiful crochet lap robe. Mary Ellen McDowell had a port pillow, and Shirley had snap bags.

The fair will be Aug. 7-11. Check-in is Aug. 4 and checkout is Aug 12. The club's fair booth will be on pre-diabetes, and Jeanie Hittson and Effie Byers will be taking care of this. There will not be a meeting in August due to the fair. The next meeting will be Sept. 17 and all are welcome.

The lesson was given by Sue Etris and Helen Zambrano on fraud and scams and what to do if contacted. It was very informative.

The meeting closed with the reading of the "Homemakers Prayer."

Community on 08/01/2018