OPINION: It’s foundation-building time

Where did it go? Hasn't the 'cuff begun with those four words several times during the ??? number of years? In fact, how often do we ask ourselves that question, for whatever "it" is could be any number of things? What about this 'cuff? It doesn't seem possible Valentine's Day was just a few days ago, and here we are in another romantic month when lots of roses will be seen at weddings and other romantic times.

We will start the second half of good old 2023, such as it is ... but is it? Now that we've gotten things up to date for April and May, hopefully, the last six months, starting July 1, will be a little more settled than the first half, particularly worldwide and national political activity. Don't hold your breath!

Shouldn't we give the sixth month, June, a chance to get things back on track with Flag Day in June? And then on the 20th, good old Dad will be loved and thanked and recognized as the other half of the family foundation. Down through the centuries, families have been the foundation of almost everything, a foundation that was solid, secure, settling of everything people were a part of, the home, the church, the school, the community, and other groups. And, yes, they were the solid branches of counties, the state, and the national beliefs and strengths which allowed the true meaning of our Constitution to be followed and absorbed into everyday life. Such was true patriotism.

Juneteenth, following Father's Day, is a relatively new day that has a positive meaning to everyone who will let it be a part of our culture. And then, two days later, good old summer stretches out its arms to more hot and dry sunbeams, with air conditioners running days and nights.

Hey, kids, these are your days. Enjoy all of them, have fun, play, learn new things about the world, help Mom and Dad a bit, day and night being a part of a roasting, toasting family waiting for that fun day, the Fourth of July, the day every American should be proud of and be honestly thankful for allowing our nation to survive as well as a group, now 300,000,000 people to solve problems such as the recent possibility the country can't pay its debts. Hopefully, by the time you read this, our President was finally quoted as saying a word that should have the answer to pay our bills and even start paying off our huge national debt. The word: "compromise." No one always gets what they want. Miracles sometimes happen.

Back to kids. Summer brings the dates when kids, especially in smaller towns, are children running free, almost as free as they did in those we remember as the "good old days." It's time for parents and others to warn children to watch for traffic and, just as important, for motorists to keep every eye out to see that no child, or even an adult, is hit crossing a street, walking at the edge of the pavement or particularly at corner crossings when cars turning the corners often aren't noticed by pedestrians.

Meanwhile, while playing sports or games, remember it's good to win, but sometimes when just playing together and enjoying the freedom on the fields and in the pools or even in those ice-cold Ozark creeks, you're experiencing memories of what one day you'll call your "good old days." And all the time, while making new friends, you'll be growing taller, and you're earning new knowledge that will be stored in that gray stuff us old timers call brains.

And as the days grow shorter, remember that it will soon be school time again. Remember, you'll see your friends again and will also find other new friends who, just like you, will be looking forward to building on that foundation which will be with you the rest of your life. Remember, your mom, dad, and every older person you know built and strengthened the foundation of their lives just like you are, following in their footsteps and often adding additional strength. After every summertime, it is again time to build your foundation.

Finally, fly the flag on Flag Day, love your father, understand Juneteenth, and make your summer the best ever.

'Till next time when it's time to talk traffic ...

Dodie Evans is the former owner and longtime editor of the Gravette News Herald. Opinions expressed are those of the author.