Highfill E.H.C.

GENTRY -- The Highfill E.H.C. met in the Gentry Library at 10 a.m. on Jan. 28. The meeting was called to order by the president, Peggy Dillahunty.

We had two guests. The pledge of allegiance was said by all. Our song for the month was "Amazing Grace."

Roll call was answered by 14 people with volunteer hours. We had 1,309 hours but we haven't met for two months.

Helene Zambrano had the inspirational thoughts on "Childlike Faith."

New ideas were shared: Margaret Bishop had made a dog coat, Sue Etris had quilted Christmas balls, Jeanie Hittson had several wooden spoons decorated for Christmas and Valentine's Day, and Effie Byers had microwave cover for bowls.

Minutes were read and the treasurer's report was given. Jeanie Hittson gave a report on the membership committee.

Peggy Dillahunty had an informative lesson on "the best time to buy to save the most money."

Our next meeting will be Feb. 18, and Irene and Jeanette will bring snacks. We will meet in the Gentry Library at 10 a.m. All are welcome.

Community on 02/13/2019