Susan Says . . .

— Summer begins next Monday but summer heat has already arrived. We’ve had to water the garden a few times as showers have not been frequent enough to provide moisture for our growing plants. Small yellow and zucchini squash have appeared and soon will be large enough to make a meal. Many green tomatoes are visible on the vines and we’re looking forward to the day they begin to ripen. Creamy cauliflower center some plants and firm heads of green cabbage are forming just down the row. Looks like we will soon have all sorts of homegrown produce.

It’s been a busy week. I made a quick trip by the grocery store on my way home from work Monday evening as we were getting low on milk and coffee. Brother Richard had arrived by the time I left the office Tuesday and borrowed Jim’s long ladder to go cut up a tree west of town. I went to our monthly library commission meeting that afternoon. Richard returned shortly after nightfall to eat supper and spend the night with us.

I dropped by the library Wednesday morning, the first day of the summer reading program. It was a lively place as 44 youngsters showed up for the initial program. Our grandchildren reported they “had a ball” and are looking forward to returning this week. Jim was trimming the mock orangewhen I got home that afternoon so I helped carry a few branches to the burning spot before supper.

I returned to the library Thursday morning to pick up some posters promoting a book signing. I placed several around town before dropping by the house where Jim was working just a few blocks from home. I went home to fix him a fresh cup of coffee, then delivered it and distributed a few more posters.

We enjoyed barbecuedbrisket dinners on Friday. Sister Nancy brought us some eggs that afternoon. I attended Radine Nehring’s book signing shortly after Nancy left and purchased a couple of the latest mysteries in her “To Die For” series. My neighbor made a delicious cake topped with fresh strawberries which added to the occasion. That evening was a more solemn occasion when I drove out to a visitation at the Assembly of God Church.

I got up Saturday morning and cooked a couple of pounds of lima beans before breakfast. After we ate Jim tilled the garden while I went to a funeral.We took the limas with us and drove to Southwest City at lunchtime for a potluck picnic and meeting with friends. I cleaned and filled the birdbath and watered a few flowers when we returned and we watered the garden before coming in to supper.

We visited the grandkids early Sunday afternoon and did a couple of loads of laundry when we got home. I clipped coupons from the Sunday paper while Jim watched a golf tournament. He pulled some radishes and green onions that evening and dug two hills of new potatoes.

Next Sunday is Father’s Day. Don’t forget to thank dear old Dad properly for all he does to support the family. We didn’t often hear words of affection or praise from my father but when he introduced us to others we could tell he was proud of his children. He was a hard worker who truly knew the meaning of service to others. He taught us lasting values which served us well as we grew into responsible adults and left us with happy memories of shared family time.

Susan Holland, who works for The News Herald, is a lifelong Benton C0unty Resident.

Opinion, Pages 4 on 06/16/2010