Thanksgiving, the best holiday of the year

I am singing a little ditty about flaming turkey wings today! And I love every minute of it, pat my belly and roll my eyes at the dandy taste of that bird. I am still thankful for the feast and all that went with it! I hope you fellers are too!

I could smell the aroma of the day early in the morning and, while I pulled on my boots, Iwondered if my close relative would have time to fix breakfast or if I would be forced to eat pecan pie for breakfast. Sure enough, that happened and I started my day with rosy cheeks and a smile on my lips!

About that time I heard the Grands talking and giggling, and what else in this old world could make a man happier? Theybusted in and hugged around the kitchen, took off again for the great outdoors and adventures. I am so thankful they live close enough to walk to headquarters! My close relative was tickled too, and that is a wonderful way to live!

Old Dog was riled up and bouncing - well, sorta bouncing - happy as he could be that the weather was nice and we had kids around. He would have gone with them a few years back but was patiently waiting for me. We both have our limits now. Snip does what fed-too-much and rode-too-little’ horses do.He was circling the pen, snaking his old neck and squealing like a big stud horse. Silly old nag, I am right proud of him. I just am blessed to the hilt with my dog and horse.

I fed all the penned calves and cows, Snip, and my close relative’s barn cats. I believe with all my being that the rats eat as much of that cat food as the felines consume. The cats are fat but I’d lay odds if I were a betting man! Some critters eat quite a bit of my expensive food while it is still in the feed room of the barn. I figure it is pretty coon- and possum-proof but rats can get into anything!

I hated to drive off the home place but cattle needed checking everywhere, so I went. I knew the offspring would have done it but I told them I would take care of the chores, and I am so glad I did. Not one bovine was where it shouldn’t have been, all the cows were fat and sassy, the calves romping around, and even the bull pasture was serene! Thankful again, and it wasn’t even noon! What a day that was - food, Grands, good fences, a truck that had gas and no flats, and nice weather!

The morning went pretty fast. I was tickled to see the female offspring hadarrived and was swishing around the kitchen and the boss when I got home. More pies and now cakes had loaded up the dessert table, along with cookies shaped like turkeys.

It is my opinion, and everyone has one, Thanksgiving Day is the best holiday of the year. Look around and, if you have a full belly and a warm place to be, give thanks! If you are breathing air and have water to drink, give thanks! And it would be a good thing to give to those who aren’t so blessed!

Bill is a pen name used by the Gravette author of this weekly column.

Opinion, Pages 5 on 11/30/2011