Hiwasse News

Sympathy is extended to the family of former Hiwasse resident Nadine Thomas Barnett who passed away last week. She has several relatives who still live in the area.

Those having lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Carrier, Mike and Gabe on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Brian Carrier, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Lofty Carrier, Jessica, Madison, Serenity and myself.

John and Julie Holloway hosted a Christmas party for their employees on Saturday evening.

Jake Carver celebrated his twelfth birthday on Sunday after helping his basketball team win its game with Farmington on Saturday.

The coffee club, Novella, Gloria, Vera, Dorothy, Earl, Mike and Velma, met at the Dairy Freeze on Friday to help Bob and Frank celebrate their birthdays.

The Nazarene Church will have their children's Christmas program on Sunday, Dec. 21.

Hang stale doughnuts and bagels outside on a tree for the birds. Woodpeckers particularly like them.

Community on 12/17/2014