Do you trust in the LORD with all your heart?

"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:4-5

So often we are hesitant to take God at His Word because we think we know better. We make our own decisions based on our own reason and understanding rather than trusting in the LORD and His Word.

This applies to every area of our lives and to all our ways. When God says, "Thou shalt not," do we believe Him and obey, knowing His will is best? When He says, "thou shalt," do we trust Him wholeheartedly and do what He commands us, trusting that His will is good and right?

What about when it comes to decisions about who we date and marry, what we do with our time or our money? How about when it comes to the work of the church? Do we do it God's way and leave the rest in His hands or do we think we know better how to reach people and bring them into the church?

Consider the example of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah (Dan. 1). Which diet made more sense, humanly speaking? In whom did they place their trust in this matter?

Sad to say, even in churches today, people trust the Word of God only in so far as they agree with it and twist it or explain it away when they don't. Instead of letting Scripture interpret Scripture, do we come up with our own interpretations based on our own understanding? When it comes to Biblical doctrine, we are willing to accept what we understand and what agrees with our thinking, but what about when it speaks against long-held thoughts or beliefs? What about when it threatens our lifestyles?

In the very next verse of Proverbs 3, it says: "Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil" (v. 7). Do we ever consider ourselves to be more wise or more enlightened than God Himself and continue on in our evil ways?

Even when it comes to our salvation, do we question God's Word when it tells us that Christ Jesus died for all and made atonement for the sins of the entire world? Do we trust fully God's Word when He tells us that we are made acceptable and are forgiven for the sake of the innocent sufferings and death of God the Son? What about when He tells us our sins are washed away in Christian Baptism and that we are given to partake of Christ's sacrifice in the Lord's Supper?

The Bible tells each of us to "trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding" for a reason. Our understanding is limited and flawed. God's Word is truth and His ways are right and good for us. Our understanding would lead us to question and doubt, but the salvation God has provided us in His Son is truth and life!

Grant that we trust in Thee, O LORD, with all our hearts. In Jesus' name. Amen.

[Devotion by Randy Moll. Scripture from the King James Version of the Bible. Additional devotionals at]

Editorial on 06/25/2014