Maysville EHC

MAYSVILLE -- The Maysville Extension Homemakers met at the Maysville Community Building for the April meeting and lunch. Bert Ballman was hostess for the meal.

Jane Wilber was the presiding officer for the business meeting. The Pledge was given, and we sang Grand Old Flag. Melinda Crawley read an inspirational thought entitled "Count Your Blessings," and Bert Ballman gave a reading entitled "Love Your Neighbor."

Bert gave the lesson on disaster preparedness. She noted that every home needs a disaster supply kit packed and ready in one place before a disaster hits. Assemble enough supplies to last for at least three days. Store your supplies in easy-to-carry containers, such as a backpack or duffel bag. Consider storing supplies in a container that has wheels. Be sure your bag has an ID tag. Label any equipment, such as wheelchairs, canes or walkers, that you would need with your name, address and phone numbers. Keeping your kit up-to-date is also important. Check expiration dates and shift your stored supplies into everyday use before they expire. Replace food, water and batteries, and refresh medications and other perishable items.

The Eye Opener given by Bert was six common oils to consider keeping on hand -- canola, coconut, corn, grapeseed, olive and peanut. Each oil has different smoking points to consider when using it. She also gave some tips on cleaning refrigerator fans and cutting blocks.

The cultural art given by Bert was May Day Baskets. She gave some background history on the tradition which was popular in the past but is unfamiliar to most youth of today.

Secretary Gwen Singleton called the roll, read the minutes of the previous meeting and gave a financial report.

Robin Reichardt gave a report on the community yard sale. Jane gave a progress report on building projects.

A final check was made concerning readiness for the spring fundraiser for the community building.

Upcoming events include the County Fun Day which is held at the Maysville Community Building June 22, the Benton County Fair, and items needed for Country Store.

The meeting was adjourned with the Homemakers Prayer.

Community on 05/23/2018